Profiling: The Button Mushroom

This widely consumed mushroom is likely the easiest to find and to recognize.  In fact, it is the most consumed mushroom by 90% in the United States.  Button mushrooms have grown wild and been eaten by humans since the time of early hunter and gatherers.  These ancient civilizations even knew that this mushroom held special medicinal powers.  Egyptians believed that mushrooms could grant immortality, making them a food source only fit for pharaohs.  Modern science today has found that they are potent helpers in fighting to protect and maintain both Prostate Health and Breast Health; keeping cancers at bay for these cells in both human and animal bodies.

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Key Benefits

Button mushrooms have been studied to help improve heart health and possibly prevent heart disease by reducing inflammation in the arterial cells and preventing white blood cells from sticking to arterial walls. They have been shown to improve immune health as well due to their polysaccharide content which helps the body to increase the activity of natural killer cells in the body.  Button mushrooms have been shown to protect the body from various cancer cell lines; including Breast, Prostate and Colon Cancers.

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Nutrient Breakdown 

Vitamin B1-Thiamine is an important vitamin since it helps the body to break down sugar and use it as fuel within the body.  It is also supportive of both heart and nerve health.

Vitamin B2- Vital for the production of red blood cells and steroid hormone synthesis.  It helps to transport oxygen in the body and also mobilizes iron.

Vitamin B3-In the form of niacinamide helps to clear acne when applied topically to the skin.  Niacin also reduces the numbers of flare ups, skin inflammation, redness and irritation. It also helps to improve cardiovascular and heart health.

Vitamin B6- Helps the immune system to function optimally.  It aides in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and amino acids while maintaining healthy lymph node function. Vitamin B6 also helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Vitamin B9- Folate helps to strengthen and maintain healthy liver function.  Folate is also essential for women who are pregnant or may become pregnant.

Vitamin B12- Folic Acid helps to preserve our neurological function and DNA synthesis. It plays a key role in the health of red blood cells and helps our nervous system work optimally as well.

Vitamin D, Phosphorus and Calcium- Is a trifecta for overall oral health.  It helps to prevent tooth decay and gum disease by assisting the jaw-bone density, holding the teeth and enamel.  Calcium and phosphorus rich foods help children to develop and form a hard structure for adult teeth.  Vitamin D requires phosphorous to balance the calcium and enhance absorption in this formation of the tooth.  Vitamin D is also a great anti-inflammatory and can help with gum inflammation.

Dietary Fiber- Helps to stimulate digestion, relives indigestion, and constipation issues.

Potassium- An essential mineral for the body to help with fluid regulation, cardiovascular health and protein absorption. High levels of potassium have been associated with reduced risk for stroke, improved blood pressure, as well as improved bone health.

Zinc-Helps to promote proper immune function, controls blood sugar, energy metabolism, and aides in digestion.

Copper- Another essential mineral to help promote healthy connective tissue growth, proper heart rhythm, enzymatic reactions and proper growth overall.

Iron- Neurotransmitter function rely heavily on the adequate amount of iron to maintain a positive mood.  Therefore the lack of iron leads to poor sleep, energy, mood and could ultimately lead to anemia.

Selenium- A mineral that works as an antioxidant to protect body cells from damage that may lead to heart disease, some cancers and other diseases of aging.

Image result for button mushrooms recipe

Where to find them

Your local supermarket likely carries this variety of mushroom.  As with most mushrooms make sure the flesh is firm to the touch and absent of rot, damage and pests.

They can be stored in the refrigeration for up to one week, in a sealed bag if possible. When prepping these mushrooms do not wash them, as they are quite porous and will become a soggy, waterlogged mess.  Rather wipe them gently with a damp paper towel or use a pastry brush to wipe away dirt.  Clean just prior to cooking, any sooner and the mushrooms will retain the water and become slimy.

Adding mushrooms to your diet is simple as they can be incorporated or become the star to any dish.  When cooked the nutrient content in the mushroom remains the same for this particular mushroom, while some nutrients lose between 5 and 20 percent of their value.


One Comment Add yours

  1. Malini says:

    I love Mushroom and I cook very often. Thanks for sharing the benefits.

    Liked by 1 person

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